Hindu Spirituality Conference in Edinburgh/UK

The conference was led by distinguished Hindu spiritual leaders from the around the globe including H.H. Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda founder of the System Yoga in Daily Life, Sri Swami Nirliptananda Maharaj founder of London Sevashram Sanga, Sri Swami Amarananda of the Geneva Ramakrishna Order and Sister Jayanti of the Mount Abu Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University.

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Satsang Video Streaming

We are investigating possibilities for offering live video streaming from satsangs of His Holiness Swamiji. This needs some technical investment and implementation of a streaming server on the Yoga in Daily Life International internet infrastructure.

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Abundant monsoon fills the Jadan Talab

Monsoon rains that started on July 4 almost completely filled the Rainwater Harvesting Talab in Jadan. Water is everywhere; it covered also all fields and roads. Local people say that last monsoon of such abundance was almost ten years ago.

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