Welcome to the Yoga in Daily Life Knowledgebase!
Here we present a collection of quality articles and selected multimedia content regarding yoga and related subjects, including expert views on specific topics.
The Knowledgebase was launched in April 2010. It continues to grow.

You may be in a yoga class and hear the teacher using Sanskrit words for different aspects of body, mind & soul exercises. We thought you might find this list helpful in translating some of the more commonly used terms. Use the box on the right to navigate our Glossary. Feedback for corrections and additions is welcome:

Indian Festivals
Dates of Indian Spiritual Festivals are adjusted from the lunar calendar to the Western calendar and regularly published and updated. A downloadable pdf version is also available.

Food and Nutrition
Yoga classifies three types of foods according to their qualities. Our nutrition influences both body and psyche – our habits and qualities.

Yoga & Health
Expert articles about the therapeutic effects of yoga in rehabilitation, prevention of illness, physiotherapy, plus the benefits of asanas, pranayama and meditation as supported by science.

Scientific Research
Articles written by and for professionals about the therapeutic effects of Yoga in Daily Life - The System on a wide range of diseases, prevention and more.