Starting Position:
Lie on the back

on the Vishuddhi Chakra

normal breathing

once for each variation

Lie on the back. >Come into Sarvangasana and support the back with the hands. >Bring the legs into Padmasana and hold this position for approximately 1 minute. Slowly return to the starting position.

In the posture turn the pelvis and the legs to the right and support the right buttock on the right hand. Hold this position for approximately 1 minute. >Then turn the pelvis and legs to the left and support the left buttock on the left hand. Also hold this position for approximately 1 minute. Slowly return to the starting position.

Stimulates function of the thyroid gland, kidneys and abdominal organs. Stimulates circulation and the breath. Strengthens the arms and the entire muscles of the trunk.

This Asana should not be practiced with a hyperactive thyroid or high blood pressure.

Asana is included in the following categories:
Asanas and Exercises to Activate the Thyroid Gland