The Everlasting Light of Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji
Living in today’s world can often be somewhat painful and harsh, rather than kind and peaceful. We face ongoing war conflicts, unbearable political situations, oppressive regimes, religious hatred, nature’s destruction, animal suffering, a high rate of species decline and deforestation, and human values vanishing. However, despite all this, the world still stands. We may ask ourselves: why?
Great yogi and peace advocate, Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda Puriji – Vishwaguruji – has often stated that this world is preserved only because of the immense help of the pious and holy people, God-realised masters who are still living here among us, who help to balance and sustain both earth and cosmos, with their divine presence and immense compassion. One such remarkable holy sage, who, not so long ago, resided in Rajasthan, India, was Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji.
Born in 1828 in Hari Vasani, a village approximately five kilometres from Bari Khatu, Rajasthan, India, Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji was a true incarnation of divine love and wisdom. He entered this world as the fulfilment of Shiva’s promise to Srimati Chandan Deviji (Mahaprabhuji’s divine mother). During Shivaratri – the night of Shiva, she fasted, meditated and prayed, believing that God Shiva would appear to her.
Around one o’clock in the night, he really did, saying, “Greetings to You, Divine Mother! Your tapasya (austerity for spiritual and positive purposes) will bear fruit. The mercy is bestowed on you, and you will conceive the King of the Universe. The day of his incarnation in your home will be blessed and happy, and the divine light will permeate the whole universe.”

Mahaprabhuji’s divine mother, Srimati Chandan Deviji
Sri Deep Narayan was born on Diwali
On the day of the Indian festival of light, Diwali, when Mahaprabhuji was born, many miracles took place: oil lamps within the village houses suddenly illuminated on their own, and white flowers gently fell from the sky. His father invited a learned astrologer to his house, who told him, “This is a truly special day. Your son will have extraordinary spiritual abilities. He is a divine teacher, a great soul. Call him Deep – divine light. Anyone who will receive his blessings will experience peace and enlightenment.”
Sri Deep Narayan was a cheerful and lively child. His grace attracted the villagers, who rejoiced in his presence every day. He chanted the holy mantra OM even before he spoke; he never cried and his face was always filled with a divine smile. He was a source of wisdom and compassion for all. From an early age, he had at his disposal, divine will and powers, as he was able to overcome even death. It is known that he brought the dead girl Durga back to life.
First meeting with his divine Guru, Sri Devpuriji
When Mahaprabhuji turned fifteen, he knew in his heart he should find a guru – spiritual teacher, the one who would, according to tradition, initiate him into divine wisdom and give him his blessing.
It is said we may hardly find a self-realised guru or spiritual teacher in this world… However, it happened that at the same time, there was another divine incarnation residing in Rajasthan. His name was Sri Devpuriji. It was destined that he would become Sri Mahaprabhuji’s spiritual teacher.
They met in the valley near Bari Khatu village, where Sri Devpuriji found his place to camp that day, and Sri Mahaprabhuji drove his cows to graze at that same place. While tending cows, Sri Deep felt the presence of Lord Shiva, in the form of Sri Devpuri. When he saw him, he humbly prostrated before him and sang a beautiful bhajan – a spiritual song:
OM salutations to the revered divine teacher, compassionate Sri Devpuriji
Sri Devpuriji then blessed his disciple and said, “Vishwa Deep, Light of the Universe, you and I are one. Even if your body is different, our souls are united.” Sri Deep Narayan was then initiated and given the holy gurumantra.

Sri Mahaprabhuji, Sri Devpuriji and a devotee
Sri Mahaprabhuji’s teachings are known around the world
Practitioners of Yoga in Daily Life know Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji as the holy master of Hindu Dharmsamrat Paramhans Sri Swami Madhavandaji – affectionately known as Holy Guruji (Vishwaguruji’s spiritual master). Mahaprabhuji’s divine life and mercy are often remembered, and he is especially celebrated on the anniversary of his mahasamadhi (final liberation), which took place in Khatu on 5 December 1963.
During his exceptionally long life, Sri Mahaprabhuji helped many bhaktas (devotees) to overcome the obstacles on their spiritual paths and become great yogis and sages. Holy Guruji, one of his closest bhaktas, described his master in his book 'LILA AMRIT – The Divine Life of Sri Mahaprabhuji'.
This biography depicts Sri Mahaprabhuji’s life, his family, his spiritual master and closest disciples. While reading it, we learn and realise how deeply Mahaprabhuji devoted his life to all living creatures, not only humans but also animals and all of nature. He was a guru and a helper to people from different social and religious backgrounds: the wealthy and poor, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and other believers and non-believers. He saw God’s divine spark in every creature.

Holy Guruji and Sri Mahaprabhuji
Remembering the 61st anniversary of Sri Mahaprabhuji’s Mahasamadhi
When Mahaprabhuji decided to consciously leave this world, he was already 135 years old. On the day of his departure, at five in the morning, he sat into a lotus posture and chanted the OM mantra. He then left his physical body.
Later he appeared to many of his devotees and advised them during their trying situations. He still inspires and helps many yogis, sages, spiritual seekers, devotees, members of the Yoga in Daily Life community, and other people and living beings around the world.
This year, when we remember the 61st anniversary of his Mahasamadhi, we are aware that his prayers still keep this world alive, safe and balanced through the everyday rhythm of life. And his boundless mercy still streams down on Earth like a divine rain, quenching the thirst of those who long for truthful spiritual knowledge, and tirelessly working every day to ease the pain of all beings.

Bhagwan Sri Deep Narayan Mahaprabhuji
Paramhans Swami Madhavananda: LILA AMRIT - The Divine Life of Sri Mahaprabhuji