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Call for help: relief for flood victims in India

After a long period of drought, heavy monsoon rains have flooded major states across India and displaced thousands of people. The devastation people and animals face is overwhelming. 

Where rains persist in Gujarat and Rajasthan, after having lessened in the other states, several hundred villages are cut off and communication and transportation facilities are severed. Across the country, currently an estimated 790 people are known dead, though fear is that the confirmed death toll may rise once relief workers are able to access areas that are still inaccessible due to water logging and blocked roads.

Homes among the poorest are destroyed; fields are overrun with silt that will destroy this year's harvests; contaminated water sources are leading to waterborne illness; people are in desperate need of shelter, clothing, food and clean water; animals are severely affected as well and they have even less chances to escape the flood devastation.

His Holiness Swamiji has issued a call for help for the victims of the flood in India. Donations are being asked for and His Holiness Swamiji himself will remit the collected funds when he travels to India again.

Donations should be addressed to the International Sri Deep Madhavananda Ashram Fellowship account:

Acc. No. 09364 082 902,
Bank Austria-Creditanstalt,
Banking Code 12000
EBAN: AT 28 1100 0093 6408 2902
Swift Code: BKAUATWW

If you are a member of any "Yoga in Daily Life" centre or society, please check there first, it would be more convenient to collect donations locally and then transfer all together to the Fellowship account.


We thank you for your care and support!

Flood devastation in India
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