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Yoga in Daily Life Rijeka celebrates World Environment Day

On June 5, 2024, Yoga in Daily Life Rijeka celebrated World Environment Day with a meaningful contribution to urban biodiversity by planting a cherry tree in the park, in front of the Yoga in Daily Life Culture Hall and Hostel Dharma.

This symbolic act of environmental protection was recognised by the presence of several distinguished guests, including the Ambassador of India to Croatia, H.E. Raj Kumar Srivastava, the mayor of Rijeka, Mr Marko Filipović, president of the Hindu Religious Community of Croatia, Mahamandaleshwar Swami Vivekpuri, president of the Yoga in Daily Life Rijeka Society, Maja Stošić, the Head of Forestry Rijeka, Mrs Lidija Crnković, and long term devotee and sannyasin of Vishwaguruji, Swami Anandi Puri. Many other friends, neighbours and citizens of Rijeka were also present.

World Environment Day, which has been celebrated annually on June 5 since its inception in 1973 by the UN General Assembly at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, is recognised as one of the most significant international days dedicated to environmental protection. Over the years, it has developed into the largest global platform for environmental protection and mobilises millions of people worldwide, who are committed to preserving our planet.

Inspired by the teachings of Vishwaguruji and his commitment to protecting nature and all of creation, the Yoga in Daily Life Society in Rijeka has shown how an industrial site and polluted environment can be transformed into a vibrant green park full of urban biodiversity. This remarkable transformation has earned them numerous international awards. Mayor Filipović praised the efforts of Yoga in Daily Life Rijeka and described Hostel Dharma and the Culture Hall as a "sanctuary of peace and a true green oasis in the city."

The cherry tree planting ceremony served as a reminder that every step, effort, and positive action contributes to a healthier environment. The newly planted cherry tree will provide shelter, nourishment, and beauty for both people and wildlife in the coming years.

This special day in Rijeka emphasises the importance of collective action in environmental conservation. By planting this cherry tree, members of Yoga in Daily Life Rijeka have once again demonstrated their commitment to fostering a sustainable and harmonious relationship with nature, echoing the larger global movement of protecting and cherishing our planet.

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